Coffee shop, laptop and black woman with remote work for copywriting, website marketing or working

Boost Your Productivity: Expert Tips for Successful Remote Work!

The following tips are what I found helpful when working remotely and traveling at the same time and what I have asked other people who do it on a more regular basis.  In addition to these tips, if you interested in living abroad for an extended amount of time, its more than helpful to join groups/meetups with experienced traveling nomads and/or “expats” or persons whom have done it multiple times.

Working from home and working remotely have given people the freedom and time back into their lives where they are able to explore hobbies and form new relationships which otherwise may not have happened. Below are a few helpful tips to keep in your back pocket for working remotely while traveling (taken from half-half travel)

1. Determine an accurate cost of living before you head and travel before you go.

2. Do you have an endless budget? Do you have a set amount? Are you budgeting one month of pay? Are you budgeting the value of your rent on your apartment or house because you got a subletter? There are many different costs of travel in the world, and if you’re just starting out in traveling your own country, or across the world, there’s some research to do!

Common ways to calculate the cost of travel or cost of living in a travel destination are by:

  • The cost of a night in a hotel, or the cost of a week/month of rent
  • The cost of a mid-range meal
  • The cost of mass transportation or a car rental
  • The cost of a beer (it can vary greatly!)
  • The cost of a cowering space, either for a day pass, a week, a month or a year

3. Make sure that your job (if you’re not managing your own business) allows work-from-home outside where you told them your original location would be. You can also get a VPN but honesty is always the best policy.  If you haven’t checked first, travel at your own risk. Enough said on this one.

4. Pick a remote location that typically has great weather during the time of year that you’re traveling.  This is important especially if it’s your first time working remotely away from home and will increase your chances of having a great experience. Weather can play a BIG part of a short workation or a long-term remote work travel stint. It’s important to find out both high and low seasons because it can effect the cost of your hotel/rental home/hostel, etc.  Also be sure to research local laptop bars, cafes and workspaces.

5. Pack appropriately for remote work and travel. Honestly, depending on the length of time, you can probably get away with packing just a carry-on with backpack. You’ll see that packing just simple/staple items can go along way. Remember you may need some day-to-night pieces of clothing while you’re on your trip, like a suit, or a shirt for a zoom call, or a decent outfit in case you wind up meeting foreign clients outside the country. Don’t forget noise canceling headphones and protective gear for laptop and cellphone. This helps to minimize distractions and work effectively. 

6. Create and stick to a remote work schedule or remote work routine. This is highly important to create and maintain focus and discipline. With remote work, you don’t have colleagues or bosses physically looking over your shoulder at what you’re doing, so distractions are plentiful. No one is immune to distractions, so counteract that with sticking to the same 9-5 schedule as you would at home. This may be critical for some: Calculate your remote work time zones and compare with your local time zone (where your office is stationed). Some positions may require you to work the same local hours as you would at home, although you are working remotely.

7. Join a coworking space. Joining a coworking space is for anyone who chooses a consistent work environment that’s more set up for productivity than a cafe or restaurant.

8. Use your remote work trip location as a way to explore. This is one of the main reasons to work remotely. Get out, stretch your legs, meet new people (or not), discover new surrounding, learn new history and cultures, take photos and expand your appreciation of new surroundings.


Picture of Inga Grimmett

Inga Grimmett

Founder And Creative Director


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