Self Care Tips When Traveling

It’s important to prioritize self-care while traveling to ensure a healthy and enjoyable trip, especially when traveling solo.  Below are important tips for your mental health while traveling.  And remember, you can’t control everything. Sometimes the surprises, and sometimes even those minor setbacks, often make the fondest memories and the best adventures. Expect the unexpected.

  1. Commit To A Digital Detox
    For me, this is by far the most beneficial and much-needed self-care remedy. Whether traveling solo or with loved ones, ditch those devices. Commit to keeping the screen time to a minimum and just be present. Put the laptops and cell phones away, so that you can all disconnect from the wifi and reconnect with yourselves, each other and your surroundings. If a full device detox isn’t possible, at the very least try and declare your meals device-free. Enjoy and savour the moments, take photos with your eyes and mind, take in the location, the food, the laughs and indeed the time, which is the most valuable commodity.
  2. Chase Sunsets and Follow The Sun
    No two sunrises or sunsets are ever the same. Just by setting time aside to sit quietly and truly absorb and appreciate the colours, the beauty and the day’s fresh start or gentle conclusion, will no doubt help slow your pace and set your intentions. Perfect for voice recording and writing in journals or to just be.
  3. Linger Longer and Leave Room For The Unexpected
    With less rushing, you’ll avoid unnecessary travel burnout. Spending more quality time in one place also enables that healthy balance of action-packed adventure and do-nothing-all-day relaxation. With a flexible and stress-free itinerary, you can take guilt-free days ‘off’ to simply sleep in, chill by the pool, check out local markets, linger over unhurried meals, and so on. Balance is key.
  4. Talk To People (Really Talk) You Meet
    The people we meet form the rich tapestry of our travels, live on in our memories (and sometimes in our day-to-day lives too) long after the holiday is over. I’ve met quite a few people that I’ve stayed connected via social media, email and in person. This also helps you to keep an open mind, learn about other traditions that are not your own and sometimes just have fun. Huge belly laughs with people surrounded by with food and drinks can create the best memories and cherished conversations.
  5.  Go For A Long Walk
    Get immersed in your surroundings. Put your cell on airplane mode for a little awhile, stretch your legs and take it all in. A long walk is always good for the soul.
  6. Hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, especially when flying, to avoid jet lag and keep your skin looking refreshed.
  7. Sleep: Try to get enough sleep and establish a sleep routine even when traveling.
  8. Nutrition: Eat a balanced diet and avoid overindulging in unhealthy food. Pack healthy snacks for the journey.
  9. Skincare: Pack travel-sized skincare products and continue your skincare routine while traveling to keep your skin healthy.
  10. Packing: Pack comfortable clothing and footwear, and bring a neck pillow and eye mask to make your journey more comfortable.
  11. Planning: Plan ahead and allow enough time for rest, exploration, and activities to reduce stress.

Other helpful hints:

  1. Make a list of little wins
  2. Stretch it out
  3. Learn to say no
  4. Eat a fruit or veggie
  5. Slow down



Picture of Inga Grimmett

Inga Grimmett

Founder And Creative Director


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